Vale supporting our Local Cinema Club.

Broadway is only a mile or so from our Willersey factory and we’re proud to have many clients amongst it’s residents and business base.

One of Vale Press’s studio team is Nigel Smith, who has lived in Broadway all of his life. Out of work hours, Nigel is a tireless supporter of his village and amongst many other things helps to run Broadway Cinema Club.

So at Vale Press we’re very pleased to be able to sponsor the club’s regular film screenings at the Lifford Hall.

Amongst the movies that have hit the big screen this last year in Broadway have been:

Please consider printing locally with Vale Press and see our local communities benefit even more – we have fifty staff at your service running some of the world’s finest printing presses.

An Update from FOCUS at Gloucestershire Oncology Centre.

Six months ago at Vale Press we thought it very appropriate to show our support by donating £500 to FOCUS – the charitable fund for the Gloucestershire Oncology Centre at Cheltenham General Hospital.

Not least, some of our staff have received treatment at the Centre whilst others have partners, family or friends who have.


It’s a vital resource for Gloucestershire – it touches so many people and families across the county and surrounding areas, as it treats 90,000 patients each year.

So we were pleased to receive a recent newsletter and would like to share their news with you and encourage you to support their fundraising initiatives in 2020.


Please consider printing with Vale Press and see our local communities benefit even more – we have fifty staff at your service running some of the world’s finest printing presses.